Numbers and Location of Cars found


This is the data page to show numbers and numbers of variants of MK1s and  where and when cars were last seen.      

It will be most useful, and help me to keep up-to-date, if owners could confirm their car is still in the condition listed. Just a quick email with the chassis number in the heading and confirmation of condition and ownership. 

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In 2017 I heard about, and/or recorded, 83 cars, in 2018 I recorded 95, in 2019 I recorded 101 and from the panel below you can see how many I have recorded so far this year. I record some from posts on the JOC forum, some from posts on Facebook, some from Sales Adverts and others from email updates.

Richard Calver has tighter parameters than I, but, from the above, you can choose your cutoff point to decide the percentage of cars that are current or not. Newly added in the right hand columns are the accumulative totals of all Mk1s.

I am now trying to breakdown the cars that are recorded each year by further identifying  those cars that are

  1. a.    On the road,

  2. b.    Under restoration.

  3. c.    For sale

Whilst you have nothing better to do please send an email with your chassis number in the subject line and the  category in the body of the text . Thank you

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